Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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370 lines
; AVIEW V4.x Help-Text, Copyright (C) 1992-94 by Chris Buijs.
; For correct operation: DON'T EDIT THIS FILE!!!!
│ The Norton Commander Archive Viewer │
│ Copyright (C) 1992-94 by C. Buijs │
Welcome to the AVIEW help-system, this help-system can be used as an
on-line reference of all the functions of AVIEW.
Choose the subject you want help on.
Help on: #Archive-Lister# #Input-Fields# #Info#
#AVIEW.CTL# #Help# #Credits#
#File-Selector# #Parameters#
Archive-Lister Help
With the archive-lister you can view the contents of an ARC, ARJ, HYP,
LZH, PAK, SQZ, ZIP or ZOO archive (also there SFX variants), the
archive-lister also can view archives in archives (up to 16 deep).
The archive-viewer can be used to view files, edit files, or manipulate
#Archive-Lister Keys#
[Archive-Lister Keys]
Archive-Lister Keys
F1 - Help CTRL-F1 - Ascend/Descend sorting
F2 - Extract CTRL-F2 - Extract to current path
F3 or ENTER - View file CTRL-F3 - Sort on name
F4 - Edit file CTRL-F4 - Sort on extension
F5 - Convert CTRL-F5 - Sort on original size
F6 or ALT-S - Sort list CTRL-F6 - Sort on compressed size
F7 - Add file(s) CTRL-F7 - Sort on ratio
F8 or DEL - Delete file(s) CTRL-F8 - Sort on date/time
F9 or ALT-J - DOS-Shell CTRL-F9 - Sort on method
F10 or ESC - Quit CTRL-F10 - No sort (Unsorted)
#Next Page#
[Next Page]
Archive-Lister Keys (Page 2)
ALT-L - Change screen-layout SHIFT-F2 - Extract to any path
SHIFT-F7 - Create file
UP/DOWN - Go up/down one entry SHIFT-F9 - Print file
HOME/END - Go to begin/end of list
ALT-F2 - Extract without paths
INS/SPACE - Tag/Untag files ALT-F3 - Select viewer and view
Gray +/- - Wildcard Tag/Untag ALT-F4 - Select editor and edit
Gray * - Invert selections ALT-F9 - EGA/VGA Lines
AVIEW.CTL is an plain ascii-file that can be edited to fully configure
all the functions of AVIEW, the following commands are availble:
#Archiver-Commands# #NOCOLOR# #SORT#
With the following commands you can define the parameters that must
be used for the external archiver-utilities, the 'xxx' in the
commands must be replaced by ARC, ARJ, HYP, LHA, PAK, SQZ, ZIP or ZOO.
There are two variables, %A and %F, thes two must ALWAYS exist in one
of the commands (except xxxRESPONSE), %A will be replaced by AVIEW
with the name of the archive processed, and %F with a filename for
adding/deleting/updating, note that AVIEW will automatically add the
response-file-char before the filename when needed. The variables %A
and %F are NOT optional!
#xxxADD# #xxxUNPACK#
With this command you instruct AVIEW to NOT use expanded memory (EMS)
when swapping before executing any external programm.
With this command you instruct AVIEW to NOT use any upper memory
blocks (UMB) when swapping before executing any external programm.
With this command you instruct AVIEW to NOT use any extended memory
(XMS) when swapping before executing any external programm.
With this command you instruct AVIEW to NOT extract any paths from
archives when the extract function is used.
With this command you define the directory where AVIEW must write
his swap-files when used, use a ramdisk to speed-up AVIEW.
With this command you can select the alternate screen-layout of the
archive-lister as default (With full-path), this option works like a
toggle in AVIEW by pressing ALT-L.
DATEFORMAT <Dateformat>
With this statement you can define how the file-date is shown, include
MM for month, DD for day and YY for year, the sepparation-chars can be
freely defined, default is MM/DD/YY
With this statement you force AVIEW in black and white mode, this can
be handy for laptop-users who have a LCD-Screen.
With this statement you force AVIEW to ignore the mouse when detected.
VIEWER <Trigger> <Viewer> [<Parameters>]
With this command you can define up to 32 viewers, with <Trigger> you
specify the file-extension which must trigger the viewer, the <Trigger>
may include wildcards. Default viewer when non-defined is WPVIEW for
all type of files.
The variable %F can be used to pass the file-name selected in AVIEW to
the viewer.
EDITOR <Trigger> <Editor> [<Parameters>]
With this command you can define up to 32 editors, with <Trigger> you
specify the file-extension which must trigger the editor, the <Trigger>
may include wildcards. Default editor when non-defined is NCEDIT for
all type of files.
The variable %F can be used to pass the file-name selected in AVIEW to
the editor.
With this command you define the path where files must be extracted to,
when this command is NOT used, AVIEW will prompt you for a path.
With this statement you can define how many lines per screen AVIEW must
use, valid number of lines are 25, 35, 40, 43 and 50, note that a
number greater than 25 needs a EGA of VGA display-adapter.
SORT <Key> [Ascending|Descending]
With this statement you can define how AVIEW must sort the archive-list as
default, valid sort-keys are: NAME, EXTENSION, ORGSIZE, CMPSIZE,
DATETIME, METHOD and UNSORTED, optional you can specify with ASCENDING
or DESCENDING the default sort direction, default is ASCENDING.
FSSORT <Key> [Ascending|Descending]
With this statement you can define how AVIEW must sort the file-selector
list as default, valid sort-keys are: NAME, EXTENSION, SIZE, DATETIME
and UNSORTED, optional you can specify with ASCENDING or DESCENDING
the default sort direction, default is ASCENDING.
With this command you define the path AVIEW must use as work-directory,
this can be a ram-drive which will speed-up AVIEW dramatically, when
the directory does not exist, it will be created.
SCANNER <Scanner> [<Parameters>]
With this command you define the virus-scanner to use after files are
unpacked with the unpack function, when no scanner is defined, no
virus-scan will be performed.
ZOOMSPEED <Milliseconds>
With this command you define the zoom-speed of the popup-windows to
build up onto the screen, 0 means immediate popup, default is 10
xxxADD <Command-Line>
Defines which parameters to use for adding a file to an archive, this
is used for the ADD function.
xxxDELETE <Command-Line>
Defines which parameters to use for deleting a file or files from an
archive, this is used for the DELETE function
#xxxADD# #xxxEXTRACT# #xxxUNPACK#
xxxEXTRACT <Command-Line>
Defines which parameters to use for extracting a file or files from
an archive, this is used for the extract-function.
#xxxADD# #xxxDELETE# #xxxUNPACK#
xxxUNPACK <Command-Line>
Defines which parameters to use for extracting ONE file from an
archive WITHOUT path, this is used internally in AVIEW.
#xxxADD# #xxxDELETE# #xxxEXTRACT#
xxxUPDATE <Command-Line>
Defines which parameters to use for updating a file in an archive,
this is used after you edited a file from an archive.
#xxxADD# #xxxDELETE# #xxxEXTRACT#
xxxRESPONSE <Response-Char>
Defines which charachter to use before a file name to tell the
archiver that it is a response file, AVIEW defines automatically
when to use this or not.
#xxxADD# #xxxDELETE# #xxxEXTRACT#
File-Selector Help
The file-selector is started when AVIEW is started without any
file-specification or with a file-specification which contain
any wildcards (* or/and ?), with the file-selector you can pick
a file to view from any drive or directory.
The file-selector also has some file-manipulating functions to
manage your files.
#File-Selector Keys#
[File-Selector Keys]
File-Selector Keys
F1 - Help Gray +/- - Wildcard tag/untag
F2 - Change drive/directory Gray * - Invert selections
F3 or ENTER - Select directory/file INS/SPACE - Tag/Untag
F4 - Filter
F5 - Not implemented CTRL-F1 - Asc./Des. Sorting
F6 - Rename directory/file CTRL-F3 - Sort on name
F7 - Create directory CTRL-F4 - Sort on extension
F8 or DEL - Delete files/directories CTRL-F5 - Sort on size
F9 or ALT-J - DOS-Shell CTRL-F8 - Sort on date/time
F10 or ESC - Quit CTRL-F10 - No sort (Unsorted)
ALT-F9 - EGA/VGA Lines
UP/DOWN - Move cursor-bar up/down
HOME/END - Move cursor-bar to begining/end of list
PGUP/PGDN - Move cursor-bar one page up/down
Input-Fields Help
AVIEW uses it's own routines for getting input from the user,
this goes in a user-friendly manner, several options are
availble when AVIEW is waiting for some input.
#Input-Fields Keys#
[Input-Fields Keys]
Input-Fields Keys
F1 - Help, This Screen
F2 - File-selector
LEFT/RIGHT - Move cursor-bar left/right
HOME/END - Move cursor-bar to begining/end of line
INS - Switch between insert/overtype mode
DEL - Delete char under cursor
BACKSPACE - Delete char left of cursor
CTRL-Y - Delete line
CTRL-HOME - Delete from cursor to begin of line
CTRL-END - Delete from cursor to end of line
Help on the Help-System
Use the cursor-keys to jump from topic to topic in the help-text,
press ENTER to go to the help-text about the topic, press ESC to
return to the previous help-screen.
Swapping: Display:
/NE - Don't use EMS /M - Monochrome mode (LCD)
/NU - Don't use UMB /25 - Use 25 lines per screen
/NX - Don't use XMS /35 - Use 35 lines per screen
/40 - Use 40 lines per screen
Sorting: /43 - Use 43 lines per screen
/A - Sort acsending /50 - Use 50 lines per screen
/D - Sort descending
/SC - Sort on compressed size Miscellaneous:
/SD - Sort on date /? - This screen
/SE - Sort on extension /C - Define .CTL file to use
/SM - Sort on method /NP - Don't extract paths
/SN - Sort on name /NV - Don't scan for any viri
/SO - Sort on original size
/SR - Sort on ratio
/SU - Do not sort (Unsorted) #Syntax# #File-Selector#
AVIEW Parameter Syntax
AVIEW <FileSpec> /? /25 /35 /40 /43 /50 /A /C:<CTL-FILE> /D /M /NE
All parameters are optional, when a file must be specified, it must
be the first parameter (may contain wildcards).
Contacting the Author
If you have suggestions, bug-reports or other things concerning AVIEW,
you can contact me (Chris Buijs) at:
BBS : Action Board Zaandam, Tel: 31-(0)75-704890
FidoNet : Chris Buijs, Point: 2:280/407.16
CompuServe: Chris Buijs, ID: 100117,3242
SnailMail : Chris Buijs
De Spil 22
1507 CX Zaandam
The Netherlands
Hereby i want to thank all alpha/beta/gamma-testers (all over the
world) for there support and suggestions, keep up the good work!